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Our World 

             In my Advanced Placement Environmental Science class, I have learned a lot.   People who are thirty and up were apart of a reckless generation who ignored everything and drove to increase capital gains. These generations were responsible for the desecration and utter destruction of millions of miles of nature. The U.S alone dumps 16 tons of sewage into their waters every minute, and around one billion birds and mammals die every year from ingestion of plastic. The baby boomers and their kids are the reason why the extinction rate has increased 1,000 to 10,000 times the natural rate. Natural extinction is necessary and actually a good thing because it betters biodiversity, but what has been going on for the past couple decades has been absolute genocide. This all happened because a lot of people made a conscious decision to choose profit over nature, and this is why our earth is in dire need of rescuing.

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This is why I find it so imperative that young people get more involved in making a difference at a younger ages. We need more people to want to take care of our environment, and we need more ways for them to take care of our environment. Something cool that I found out in my environmental science class was how big grocery distributors like Wal Mart will be placing stickers on their products that are environmentally sustainable. For example is something is produced in a way that damages the environment then it will be tagged and you will know if it is bad which will give you the consumer the moral choice. This also means that people no longer hide in their own ignorance and actually have to make a moral decision for themselves. So if a salmon population is being destroyed and over fished then people will know and be able to decide whether they want something like that to continue. We need more things like this, because it gives the general populations the ability to make a difference.

Consumers are the number one killers of the environment, and they need to understand how to be responsible and understand what is happening when they make these kinds of decisions. Most people do really care about the environment, but are too busy to take the conscious time out of their lives to try and make a difference. People truly want to make a change, and we as a nation need to make it more readily available for communities to make a change. We need more conscious reminders for people, like the tags in the grocery story. I personally think that we should increase the cost of things produced unsustainably, because the best way to get the public's attention is to hit their wallets. Overall we need to teach awareness and make methods of helping the environment more available to the general public than just a blue recycling bin.  The earth is our ship floating through the universe, and offers a place of shelter in an otherwise deadly universe. The earth is unfathomably unique and special. Its strategic location is a miracle, because it is the perfect distance away from the sun to support life. Yet there are people within our society that are compromising our ship and putting holes in it. We need to work as a race to help keep our earth healthy and afloat, because as of now there is no knowledge that indicates that there is another place like it.


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